Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Fundo, and possible sickness, and a congrats

Jude had a seizure filled night last night, and his left eye looked very swollen to me. I am unsure if this is a reaction to the tape from the NG tube, or if he is starting to battle a sickness again. Also, this morning the nurse said Jude tried to throw up again when she started feeding him, and threw up yellow mucus. So I put a call into the pediatrician to see if we can have Jude looked at. He has an appointment at 3pm today.

I also put a call into the surgeons office to talk to them about the fundo. I explained to her that Jude is still throwing up about every other day. She seemed to be more concerned about this than the actual fundo. She started asking me a lot of questions about his feeds, the throw up, and more. She said she is really worried he is aspirating on the vomit. She said she is going to talk to the surgeon, because they might have to figure something out. They don't want to put Jude under due to the prior illness, and now I wonder what they will do if he is sick again. Although, we cannot continue to go through a ritual of him getting sick because he doesn't have the g button. His assistant said she or the doctor would call me back before noon today.

So throughout our trials and tribulations as special needs parents, we are frequently reminded just what miracles our little babies are. I wanted to extend a huge congrats to my friend Gena whose little son Frankie walked on his own yesterday. If you remember, Mike had taken the pictures of Frankie with his walker below. I know Gena is just thrilled.

I also wanted to share a picture of Emily with you. She decided to be silly and take some "hippie" pictures of herself. I think they are just beautiful, and she is getting so big.

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Have an amazing day everyone!


Jamie said...

I would be very careful about the fundo. We were also faced with the decision of whether or not to do it. After much thinking, praying, and research we finally came to the conclusion that Anna had problems with motility. She had a pyloric balloon dilation and things got so much better- and it was so much less invasive. If a child has motility problems then a fundo is the worst thing for that. The motility can be easily checked with a gastric emptying scan. The fundo is great for some kids but I really think sometimes it is done too quickly without investigation of what other problems might be contributing to the problem. I know it is such a hard decision and I wish you nothing but peace about whatever you decide.

Katy said...

I agree with Jamie. A fundo is good for some, but I would want a upper GI study done to see what is causing the throw up. Would hate for you to get the fundo and then find that it doesn't help with the actual problem.

I'm also assuming that you guys are doing bolus feed--food all at one time. That might be causing him discomfort. Might try to break it up into smaller bits spaced over time and see if that cuts down on the throwing up.