My second story is based on an article I read in a magazine last night. It's also based on a conversation I had with a friend. She was telling me how some friends of hers wanted their young daughters life strict, and structured. So much so they just gave their daughter her first sweets on her first birthday, which of course made her sick. She had never been exposed to cupcakes, or anything like that, so it upset her stomach. Anyway, I was telling her how things just don't always go as planned, especially when you want your life that structured. I am not knocking how they choose to raise their child, just shaking my head a bit because I know first hand how those great plans for a child can change. You can plan all you want to, but then life has a way of slapping you upside the head. I started telling her about the article I read last night regarding a mom who was planning her second birth. She was a mom that didn't want any medication for the pain, a natural birth, with a doula. She had planned everything meticulously from the beautiful smell of lavender burning, to the relaxful candles, and soft music playing. She had dreamt of how she would introduce her young daughter to her newborn daughter, and how wonderful their life would be. She described in detail how painful the contractions were, but how she knew her body was just making progress towards it's ultimate goal. Then the wasn't what she expected. She knew immediately when her daughter was born she had downs syndrome, and she was in a panic. She said she cried for hours over the loss of the daughter she wanted, and mourned for the perfect life she dreamed of. Then she finally realized that this little baby had already accepted her as her mother, and was begging for her to love her. So she did. I was touched by that story, and related to every feeling she had.
The tube is getting easier to handle, and our life is moving forward. We are learning to adapt, and are watching our little baby grow.
about a year and a half ago, i read an article about the "least dangerous assumption" with special kiddos.
it changed everything for me.
changing the way i viewed kendalls abilities, and the way i talked about her or to her when she was around has helped both her and me.
assuming that cognitively she is completely fine is a lot "less dangerous" than treating her like she's not. and in the end... absolutely no harm can come from giving her the benefit of the doubt!
I think this is the mom's blog for who are are refering to...
thanks for sharing!! I have started more games with Jeremiah too!!
I love her blog. Her life doesn't always seem real! Sometimes life doesn't go as planned and even when it does something is always there that throws us for a loop. Good luck
Her blog is fabulous. And it is all about finding the positive, even when our plans are not God's plans.
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