Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Let me explain one of the reasons we are wanting our nurse even more than before. Mike's mom is no longer able to care for Jude at all. Her mini strokes have left her incapable of caring for him. My aunt comes to give Mike a break, but we feel a bit stranded.

Anyway, Mike is going to start trying to feed Jude baby food again in addition to his Pediasure. Since Jude has been more vocal lately we think he may be more accepting of solids. Jude also had therapy today, and I am anxious to get home to hear how he did. He had both speech, and physical therapy. I am wishing we could increase his therapy each week at Baylor. I feel like things are getting a bit stagnet, but that could just be me. I know Baylor offers swim therapy, and we are looking into that.

Jude is now 21 months, and I cannot believe it. With his recent improvements I am hoping that year two will be full of miracles. I have been told that hippotherapy can help children with little control, but I am unsure. I am not sure how they could ride a horse without neck control, and it's something I will have to educate myself on.

Short and sweet today, I will blog more tomorrow.


Candace said...

Jen, I know that kids like Jude can do hippotherapy if they get to the right location. There are special saddles and things to help if the child can't hold their head up. If you google hippotherapy you should find all kinds of places and you can also see different types of equipment that they often use. Faith has made more strides on the horse in the quickest time than any other therapy, bar none!

Gilda said...

I will continue to keep you in my prayers on getting your nurse back. I know its not easy to hold on to hope sometimes when alot of things just keep coming up one after the other. Hang in there Jenn and Mike, Jude is a very smart boy. And like he has been surprising you with all he keeps doing I just know he is going to accomplish alot more for you:)

jocalyn said...

So funny you brought up hippo therapy! I just talked with Stajhar stables in Colletville today. They start at 24 months but it counts as your physical therapy session. They can't bill Medicaid so it falls soley on insurance...or private pay. I will let you know what I find out as far as what insurance will pay... I wish we could do it all!!!

jocalyn said...

So funny you brought up hippo therapy! I just talked with Stajhar stables in Colletville today. They start at 24 months but it counts as your physical therapy session. They can't bill Medicaid so it falls soley on insurance...or private pay. I will let you know what I find out as far as what insurance will pay... I wish we could do it all!!!

tulpen said...

I usually hit mute when I hear music on a blog, but you happened to be playing my favorite song. EVER. So I hung around.

My son had a couple brain bleeds as a newborn, long story. He's fine now.

Anyhoo. I'm pretty much in awe at how gorgeous your little guy is. I don't gush about other people's kids, but man. He's stunning.

Blessings to you and your family.

Katy said...

There's a blogger, her site is whereverheleadswellgo.blogspot and she's got video of her daughter doing Hippotherapy and she's not able to sit at all. They actually started her out lying backwards and then switched to tummy time--all on the horse!

Unknown said...

There is a hippotherapy center on MY STREET, called Swan View, It is an awesome place and they are members of my in laws church!!!! Wow!

Sarah said...

The Darlings also have a center out in Prosper, I believe. We have an "in" there if you want to persue it