Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Peep peep, moo moo

Well if you have been following my blog from the start of our rocky journey, then this video should bring a few tears. I captured some of Jude's recent accomplishments on film. This shows Jude with his favorite barnyard crib toy. I posted a video of him about a year ago playing with it, but not like this. You can see Jude looking directly at me, which I consider an accomplishment with his cortical visual impairment. You can also see him searching for the animal I have instructed him to find, and well I won't ruin the surprise. Without further delay, here is Mr Jude and the barnyard.

It's subtle changes, but they are ones that make me smile with pride!


Candace said...

YEAH Jude! What a big boy! That is awesome Jenn! So happy for you! Hugs to sweet Jude!

mom2nji said...

The little things mean so much more! Great job Jude! Whoo hoo.

Gilda said...

How wonderful Jenn, I know how proud you are of Jude and the new things he learns to do everyday. I am very proud of you too handsome boy!

jocalyn said...

he is totally playing with that! i love the sweet smiles too!!

emily said...

So thankful someone encouraged me to video often, what encouragement to catch these milestones (or inchstones as we sometimes say) on film!

Way to go Jude!