Ugh, Jude is still sick, and he doesn't seem to be getting any better. His slight croup cough is now a horrible cough, he is so congested, and he doesn't want to eat during the day. Poor Mike gets so frustrated because I come home, and Jude will eat 9-10 ounces for me. I am going to have to get Mike to eventually get a part time job, and get out of the house. I keep trying to convince him that he needs to get out, but I think he feels trapped. He is going to lose it soon if he doesn't get away for awhile. He said he feels like he is in the movie Groundhog Day, and I so understand where he is coming from. I am at such a loss sometimes because there isn't much I can do at work, except worry. I am just ready for everyone to be well already!!! Come on 2010, we need a good year!
Last night when I got home, after I fed Jude, Mike was holding him up like Jude was standing. Jude had both his feet firmly on the floor, and was doing so well holding his head up. I was amazed at how tall he is! I guess I never notice how truly long he is because I don't see him vertical.
Anyway, I put a call into the doctor to see if I could get some medication for Jude. I am hoping they don't call him to go back in. The co-pays, and the constant visitation to the doctor's office is exhausting.
Here are some more pictures from the holidays
Jude fell asleep after I got him out of the bath:
Hoping one day he can keep his head up! Like his longjohns?
Sporting his new haircut! Well sleeping with it anyway
Wow!Jude does look big.Love the new haircut he is so darn cute. Sending him many many get well hugs:)
It must be something with all this cold weather. Even today now I feel like I have a sore throat. It might be just form lack of sleep I hope.
Fell better. Love the pics. He is growing like a weed his haircut is too cute. Finnian needs one bad
Hugs The Cats in the Bronx
Hi Jenn,
You don't know me but I have been reading your blog and today struck a cord. I totally relate to Mike b/c I stay home with my daughter caring for her needs. She has epilepsy and CP. Its a day to day struggle to get to drink 9 oz in a feeding. It takes about 1 hr or 1 hr and half to get it down. She is on the ketogenic diet. Its formula based and helps her seizures. She is not seizure free but a reduction is better than nothing. I think Mike needs to take a break and leave the house from time to time. Its a daily struggle for me. I am not a happy person anymore which is very unfair for my daughter/husband. Its like we work so hard to try to fix everything and make our child normal. Its so hard/frustrating. I wanted to let you know how much I can relate to your husband. God Bless and hope for a better/joyous tomorrow.
Sorry little Jude is sick...I hope ge gets better soon! Happy to hear he was standing on his feet and holding his head up! Keep it up Jude!! The haircut is cute...he looks like a little man!
Love his hair, Jenn! Thanks for the advice, today! Hope he gets better soon...he and Faith!
Jude on your lap reminds me of Hudson and his head control...Hudson prefers his right side. Anyways, I can also relate to the vertical comment...I always think how different and tall Hudson would look to me if I saw him upright, walking...I am so used to holding him or lying him down...his poor flat head!
Hope Jude gets better soon...H STILL has the gunky cough!
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