Tuesday, January 26, 2010

cough, hack, cough

Jude had a little better night last night. He is still pretty raspy when he coughs, and he began coughing so hard at one point that he threw up pink Pediasure all over Mike's mom. He did take 5 ounces with me, and then went sound to sleep. I noticed that Jude looks very pale, and very thin, so I am hoping he eats more today. He took about 21 ounces of Pediasure yesterday, so he is still taking in plenty. He also slept pretty well last night, and did not wake up coughing as much as he did the night before. Jude did have some seizures, but they were smaller in number, and not as violent. I agree with Candace that we do need to start the Seizures suck blog! It's hard to describe to someone what a seizure is like, and how people surrounding you react.

So prior to Jude getting sick the kids were laying on the couch watching Shrek. I caught a great shot where Jude looks like he is watching TV with Emily. He was actually just facing that direction when I snapped the picture, but I love their expressions. I also think they look a lot alike in this picture.

So ahem, big announcement I haven't talked a whole lot about. Next week I get two days off work, HOORAY! It's a break away, and I need it. Anyway, Emily was invited to go to a pageant in Austin. The pageant is registered to give away the Presidential Service award signed by Obama. Well Emily was asked to turn in her credentials regarding her charity for both the Presidential award, and the pageants community service award. With her awards she is getting an entry into the pageant. She is doing the natural beauty, casual wear, and a few other events. My darling daughter loves to get dirty playing softball, but an opportunity like this is a whole different story. She has been practicing non stop, and LOVES her pretty dress. I literally have to ask her to stop doing turns in front of the TV during my shows. Now, I know there is controversy surrounding pageantry, but Emily loves it, and probably gets a lot of her public speaking abilities from them. She also is competing natural. She said she would love to attend Miss TX someday to and try to obtain a scholarship to college. We will see about that, because mom would be very worn out, but I will support her decisions. Anyway, we are going to have fun, and because it's very important to Em. I think she needs a weekend that is solely about her, whether she wins or not, she just needs a break too. The amazing story is that so many people have come together to make this happen for Em. She has received lessons, money, clothes, and more. We are blessed to have so many great people who support my little girl.

Now the other situation is, we need Jude to get well. I don't want Emily to feel like her weekend was cancelled because of Jude. So we are working hard to get him healthy. This will be our first true trip away with Jude's wheelchair, and all in tow. I think it will be fine, or I hope so.

Mike just texted that Jude only took two ounces this morning. I hope he starts eating more, and we can limit the seizures today.


Candace said...

I am so glad that Emily has something exciting to do this weekend and that you get some days off, Jenn! Praying that Jude makes a speedy recovery by the weekend, too.

Laura Marchant said...

I have been reading but not commenting because I have been using my ipod (pain to type). I hope he clears up soon!

Sarah said...

I don't say enough how very very proud I am of Emily, and you! You both do such wonderful things for the world :)

Katy said...

All of the pageant girls I know did it because they loved it. I say, whatever makes them happy!

I do see the family resemblence in your kids, but I think Jude looks so much like Mike!

Vicki said...

I love this pic of your kids! It's one on my favorites! Good luch to Emily on her pageant! Hoping Jude feels better quickly.

Tara Bennett said...

Cheers to a speedy recovery, and seizure-free days filled with lots of eating!