Calling Cp moms
I am a post aholic today. Emily is out of school so Mike has her during the day. She is in softball camp, but only on Monday, Wed, and Friday. With her being home, and Jude being home, I am truly missing my family. I am lucky that I Have my great husband to stay with them, but their little voices still make me ache for them.........I guess as a mom I just want to be with them. I am looking for advice from other moms with CP children on devices or exercises to help Jude keep his head up, and eventually walk. Please let me know anything you have tried that has been successful. We have ECI coming twice a week, but we are open to any suggestions.
I have no ideas about helping with his head control. But I just want to say again how awesome I think you are! You are balancing so much and manage to be graceful in the midst of it all.
Jenn, I am going to email my best friend's email address. Her son Anthony is 12 and has CP. They have done a few things. He is on a feeding tube, he has had casts on his legs, a walker, wheel chair, meds for seizures, speech therapy.......
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