Saturday, July 5, 2014

Saturday morning update

Jude threw up so much between 7pm and later that the nurse paged the Dr. She also paged respiratory and had them come down to give him treatments. During the treatments we gave him his nightly sedative and that helped him finally settle down and go to sleep. I told the nurse my thought was he would sleep until about 2:30am. On the nose at 2:30 Jude woke up retching and was having a hard time. Luckily the sedative kicked back in and Jude drifted back off. About every two hours he woke up retching and repeating the stat dropping process. I just laid there in bed until I heard him then jumped up to get the suctions. If I didn't hear him then I didn't stir when the nurses came in so everyone would be quiet and leave us alone for awhile.

We have been up for about 45 minutes and Jude has retched an uncountable amount of times. This has worn him out and he is back to sleep. His color doesn't look good to me and I requested that they do a CBC and a liver functions test. The nurse said they normally request those and I pointed out....well they haven't yet. I am tired, cranky and hungry and my mommatude has kicked in full force. Our new nurse today told me some kids do just throw up after surgery but that this is lengthy. She also mentioned she agrees with last nights nurse that there is something going on.  Hopefully the tests will all lead to the fact that this is just an after surgery issue, but Jude is not having an easy time. If I could get you to picture in your head that every moment you are awake you are trying to throw up then you can probably imagine how exhausted you would feel.

I am stressed too. I have to be back to work on Monday. I know it's easy to say your child is more important than work, but that doesn't help the fact it is my job. I have to provide for Jude and have a home for him to live in. I am hoping for a miraculous 24 hour turn around. If Jude does stay longer then I am hoping Mike can take off Monday. Monday is really a requirement for me and I think it would be easier if I was out Tuesday.

Ugh, I hate this!

Jude's back up. I hate to go.

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