Wednesday, November 5, 2008


It's busy and slow today at work, and I prefer it to be busy. When it's super busy I am able to concentrate on work vs my kiddos at home. It seems Emily's temp broke this morning, but she just called me and it has risen to 101.8. Therefore, I put an email into her dad to see if he could get some time of work to take her to the dr. I can schedule the appointment take her to him, etc. I just hate to call into work when I just got back Monday, but will if he cannot take her. The joys of balancing two lives. I got home last night and ran around like a crazy woman cleaning, doing laundry, attending to Em, attending to Jude, etc. I finally collapsed on the couch about nine thirty. I know it's just a matter of finding a balance and I will achieve that soon I hope. I know that at times your life can become overwhelmed with work, kids, and cleaning. If that happens then you lose yourself and you don't feel as good as you can. This is normally when women get overweight, and don't take care of themselves. I don't want that to happen because I like it when I have confidence in myself.
So I have decided that the reason why my boss wanted me back at work so bad was to relieve the pile of work on his desk. He isn't really used to having said pile and he seems very eager to hand it off. I don't mind and appreciate his confidence in me but I did come out of his office muttering a bit. Sarah laughed and said she knew exactly how I felt. I am still contemplating the part time work, but that will really take away from getting out of debt and such.
So I guess my mind is spinning in a million different directions, and my blogs probably show it. They probably are not riddled with the funny comments I normally have, but I will pick back up again soon.

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