Mike called me earlier, and said that in therapy today Jude grasped a rattle put in his hand, and brought it to his mouth. This is a large accomplishment for Jude, and I am very proud of him. He also at a half bowl of scrambled eggs yesterday, and ate almost 30 ounces of Pediasure.
Things seem to finally be running so much smoother in our lives. Besides having a cold again, everything is working out. Yes we are hesitant to accept life is good right now, but we are enjoying it. Work is good and steady, Scentsy is selling well, and people are hosting parties. Jude is in good health, and seems to be learning more, and our funds are finally getting back on track. In addition to all that wonderful news Emily has all A's and 1 B, and her smile boxes are taking off. Today Emily's Smile Boxes received a $1500 grant from Enterprise Rental Car. This is such a blessing! Our funds were getting so low, and we needed more quickly. While Emily is at school I am receiving a plethora of requests to mail smile boxes. This is wonderful, but we desperately needed funds to make this happen. I cannot WAIT to tell Emily that Enterprise is coming next week to give her this generous donation, and she gets to hold a really large check. I also spoke with Emily's school, and they are holding a drive right now to obtain crayons, stickers, markers, etc. I then talked with them about having the other kids help put the actual boxes together. One of Emily's goals is to inspire other kids to help out, and this will be a great way to do that. They agreed to have a Smile Box making party where all the kids put together smile boxes in the cafeteria. I plan on buying flat boxes, and they will be coloring the outside of them. Our goal is 250-500 boxes this time. In addition to allowing the other kids to put the boxes together, we want to select 7 kids to drop off 50 boxes a piece at selected hospitals. They are going to have shirts that say, "I am an Emily's Smile Box helper, because Kids can make a difference". I have already had a few volunteers for this project. In addition to Enterprise, Emily has also heard from Build a Bear, Khols, and a few others. We are more pleased than you can know. We shipped off two more boxes today, and we have several more to ship tomorrow. We have had so many requests to ship that I started a UPS account today, sure made things easier! It's sad there are so many children that are sick, or affected, but I am happy we can brighten their day a bit.
Have a good week.
Em is an inspiration to kids everywhere. What an awesome kid. I am so glad Jude is doing better. yay for normalcy!!!!
Sounds like things are going well and Jude looks great on that ball!
YEAH for miss Emily! Way to go, Jude! We are so proud of all that she has made happen and all the wonderful people who have stepped up to help!
I am impressed and amazed how you guys juggle everything...sounds like you are teaching your daughter well...way to go Emily!
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