Saturday, February 20, 2010


The below blog, is why Em colors all her boxes, thinks of the kids, why I ship so many boxes on lunch, and why we spent countless hours working on her charity. THIS makes it ALL worthwhile.........

I love the smile on their faces, and Emily loved it too!!! It truly MADE our day seeing the blog, but I wish they didn't have need for one.

Today, my aunt and cousin made it possible for Em, and I to go to Phantom of the Opera. We went with Sarah, Faith, myself, and Em. Faith's birthday is this weekend, and mine is next weekend, so it was an early birthday gift. My cousin bought us a FABULOUS lunch, and then we sat through my favorite musical. I got a little teary eyed that my daughter was there experiencing something I loved so much. It meant even more that she cried at the end. She said that she felt for the Phantom because he was different, and didn't get the girl. I explained that even though that's true, the phantom also STALKED the girl, which is not attractive. She giggled, and agreed that wasn't right. Em then decided to stay the night with her cousin, Mike went to our friend salon to paint, and I am with Jude alone. I AM ALONE, and it's fabbbbulous! I have a glass of wine, some veggies and cheese, and Jude on my lap. I am just relaxing, and I needed this.

My friend Katy at Bird On The Street, wrote a blog on jealousy. I think it's worth reading,, Sometimes we are all entitled to be a bit jealous, and it's okay to work through those feelings. Well done Katy!

I am off to enjoy my night of relaxation.


Candace said...

I am glad for you, Jenn! Sounds like a lot of fun!

Katy said...

Thanks for the mention!

So great the Emily is young and already touched with the spirit of giving to others--that will take her far in life.

I've never seen Phantom of the Opera!

Angelica mom to JesusRTS said...

Emily is realy amazing! I thank you for putting a smile on my kids faces it meant so much!
Glad you have time to relax Enjoy your time! :)

Unknown said...

How sweet!!

I'm glad you were able to see her blog post about it...I bet it made Emily's day!

Thanks for the offer of a stuffed animal...that is sweet. We are home from the hospital now and Eli is doing pretty good.
