Mike said the therapist was so excited to meet Jude, because she had read his story in the newspaper. She spent a lot of time with him evaluating what she thought his issues were, and talked in length with Mike. She said that she agrees Jude has CVI - cortical visual impairment, and that she noticed Jude has classic symptoms that point to this diagnosis. My understand that CVI is not true blindness, but a lack of the brain being able to process the images. Therefore, the images can some through scrambled, or they may not be able to see them at all. So Jude will look at me, and seem to have a moment of clarity where he smiles, but then he will sharply turn away. I always thought this was from over stimulation, but now I believe this could be because his brain is not processing my image correctly. We already know that the doctor said Jude's optic nerves were gray, which is another indication of stroke, and cvi.
So I rummaged through the box admiring all the nice gadgets, and I took them out one by one. I found some tiny socks with bells on the toes, and I slipped them on Jude's feet. He wasn't as impressed with the socks, as he was with the bell bracelet for his arm. He kept ringing his bell bracelet giggling over, and over.
So today at work I had one of my wonderful customers come in and talked with me. His son had been in a motorcycle accident a few years ago, and he was asking me about liability for home health workers. It was a topic I could relate to, and our conversation grew into personal experiences. We discussed therapy, hospitals, and more. He was telling me about the issues his son has, his struggles, his pain, and his aggressiveness. In a meek voice he said "I know this will make me sound like a bad parent, but there are times I think that modern medicine shouldn't have saved him". It's a heart wrenching thing to hear, but one I have heard multiple times from parents with children that suffer traumatic brain injuries due to accidents. With Jude we know no other way of life. We know that it's unlikely he will ever marry, or have children, and we know he will always depend on us. We accept this, and we honor the challenge. Although, with children struck down in the prime of life it's so challenging for these parents to watch their children's daily struggles just to breath, eat, swallow, and function like they used to. I assured him that although it seems like a terrible thought, it's a natural one, and that I had heard that same sentence from others in his same situation. No one can really relate unless they have been in that situation, and know first hand all the thoughts you encounter. I wanted to give him a little hug, but I just offered kind words. You could tell he was a strong man that offered his son a great place to live, so I know it was a fleeting thought.
Have a good weekend all. I have been 100% busy today, so I am getting back to work.

Very interesting,Jenn. We know a few kiddos who have CVI, also. There seems to be alot of uncertainty about what they can and cannot see, according to the parents we know. I am sooo glad that you have some good therapists that can come to your house. We have to drive over an hr, twice a week for all of Faith's therapies!
Hi Jenn,
Did the Visual Specialist suggest a light box? Parker loved this. We had one for home and one we took to daycare. I believe this helped her greatly.
Also, are they sure he doesn't have Optic Nerve Hypoplasia? Has he received an actual diagnosis (regarding his vision)? Maybe you would be eligible for more things if you also had this diagnosis b/c CVI is so subjective.
Parker was visually impaired and she can now see. It is possible for miracles to happen. I'm praying for you guys.
Love you,
Parker & Amy Hendrix
Jenn- as always your strength is an inspiration to us all !
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