Monday, May 30, 2011

A bloody mouth and humbled thoughts

We have had a long holiday weekend which is nice. Saturday night we went to dinner with my family that were in town from Missouri. Prior to going to the dinner Jude started throwing up, which was not pleasant. While throwing up her started spitting blood out of his mouth. Nurse Allen looked really scared so I stepped in and pointed out the blood was bright red which isn't normally a big concern. I grabbed a cloth diaper and stuck a portion of it in Jude's mouth holding pressure on his tongue, gums, etc. I finally found the culprit was two molars being cut on the upper left side of his mouth. Poor Jude was in pain and that was what was causing him to throw up. Again the darn pheno Jude used to take caused his gums to harden and his teething is so much worse than Emily's ever was. So we go see the Keto doctor on 6/20 and I am anxious to hear what they have to say.

It's Memorial day and I am thinking about my grandfathers who served in the war that have passed. I miss them both and I am thankful for their service. I also started talking to Mike about my mom last night. I don't talk about her much on my blog because I don't want to hurt anyone in my family on either side, but last night as we were watching Extreme Home Makeover I thought about her. The family on the show had lost a teenage daughter. My mom was 28 when she passed. I looked at Mike and said .... "Can you imagine....I mean what if something happened to me...packing my clothes up, going through all my personal items...I mean think about it. You would have to go through my purse my closest possession and what do you do with my drivers license?" He replied "I just couldn't do it Jenn.....surely your dad had help when that happened". You don't really think about those things when someone is alive, but imagine how difficult that must be. I don't know it just left me rather speechless last night and humbled.

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