Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Jude's swallow study

Jude went for his swallow study this morning. Mike said he had a bit of trouble swallowing, but the good news is that Jude did not aspirate. They said he had a bit of "hang time" on the nectar but overall things went well. We are not going to jump into feeding him by mouth just yet. They are going to do what's called Vital Stem on his throat. It's basically electrical stimulation that will possibly teach his throat to react at swallowing.

Mike told me that yesterday Charlotte was playing with Jude and she began swinging him out and letting him fall in her arms a bit. She told Mike that he started giggling and then gave her a full belly little kid laugh. He even pushed against her wanting her to continue to play with him. I hate I missed his laugh, but I am so happy he was playing. I tried to recreate the scene when I got home, but he wasn't into it.

He was all smiles this morning when he left for his swallow study. Tonight I plan on going home and just holding him while we watch TV.


Covnitkepr1 said...

Jude...an easy name to remember.

Your Jude...an easy name to remember to pray for.

I write and maintain a spiritual blog which I have titled “AccordingtotheBook” and I’d like to invite you to follow it.

Candace said...

Glad to hear that the test went well. Had a terrible experience with Faith's. Sweet baby Jude!