It was a busy weekend so I didn't really get a chance to post. Friday night we were suppose to go see Scream 4, but our nurse got caught in traffic so we settled for dinner. Saturday we then caught the noon flick of the remake and it was great! I am a huge Scream fanatic, which is rather comical because I don't normally watch scary movies. I like the old thrillers like "Psycho", "Dial M for Murder", "Halloween", and
"The Shining". I hateeee the new horror let's see how much blood we can stick in one shot like "Saw". Stupid movies! I want a writer to leave me guessing, wondering what is going to happen next, and trying to make me figure out who the killer is. I love the comedy in Scream too. I always tell people Scream the original name was "Scary Movie" but the producer had other plans for that name. That Drew Barrymore was originally suppose to play Neve Campbell's part, but liked the role of Casey Becker better.
Anyway, enough with the movies. So Friday night Jude got a blog in his feeding tube line and he seemed so uncomfortable. It took forever to finally get the line working right. Jude was then up and down the entire night!! Turns out the clog was actually in Jude's g button and they had to change it out on Saturday morning. We believe the clog was from the Melatonin which we have had issues with before. So we only gave Jude the Klonnopin on Saturday. You would think this would be enough, nope! He didn't go to sleep until 11:30 and then was up and down from 3am on. So last night we did give the Melatonin and he slept great. We slept well until a 3am storm woke us up. We have had terrible weather in TX lately. This was our sky yesterday evening.
Overall we had a great Easter yesterday. My family came over and we ate some delicious food. We also got to see Jude show off to everyone. He has this new thing he does when you shake his chest.
Today has not been as pleasant. Jude is taking his first ride on medical transportation since Mike is about to start working. We wanted to try it out before he started work. Well they are late. Not to mention Jude has to wait at the facility for an hour after his appointment for them to pick him back up. So Mike is upset saying he knew this would be an issue and the reason he didn't want to get a job. I am so tired of everything landing on my shoulders. I am really at my wits end with it. So I have no idea what the solution is, but I guess it's in my hands to find one. Our understanding is the nurse is not suppose to drive Jude.