Monday, August 2, 2010

The lake

Jude was suppose to have an appointment with his GI specialist this morning to review the lab work. The doctor called early, and said he reviewed all the blood work, and it's perfect. He said they are going to chalk this incident up to a HUGE scare caused by a lab error. Nice! I am just grateful Jude is alright. He told us to watch for blood in his stool, but other than that we are free to think Jude is just fine.

Jude learned a bit of peek a boo this weekend. He cannot hold his head up for long so while holding his his head will rest into my should covering his eyes. When he would lift it I would say "Peek a boo Jude", and he would smile. This caused him to try to lift his head several times until he just got to tired to hold it up anymore.

Saturday we spent the day at my aunt's lake house with my friend Fleck. We had a great time just relaxing, and enjoying each others company. I keep telling my aunt I am going to move in there one day, and we will all just have to co-habitat. I love being by the water, well minus the snakes. My aunt was so gracious because she took us all to dinner at Go Go Gumbo, which is amazing. There is an old house next to my aunts house that I will show you below, and I am waiting for the people who own it to sell it, so I can win the lottery, and buy it. Big dream huh? I just love the house. The highlight of the day was watching Emily, and Fleck ride off on my aunts father in laws motorized scooter. I was cracking up.

Saturday after we got home from the lake Jude went to sleep fairly well. He then decided to wake up at three because his teeth were hurting. He was up, and down until about five thirty, and I decided to give him a bottle. Jude then went into a terrible seizure that lasted on, and off about twenty minutes (remember Jude has cluster seizures). After that he spent another thirty minutes cracking up. I would run my fingers through his hair, and he would laugh, and laugh.

I have also noticed that Jude enjoys being at home. When we take him out of his environment he is starting to get a little disturbed. I told Mike, he is turning into him. All Mike wants to do is be left alone in his "man cave" upstairs.


jocalyn said...

glad to hear the labs are ok. we have to run labs once every month for various things, and i never worry about the first report. mistakes are made all the time with kendall' i've learned to just wait it out to know for sure.
sorry to hear jude's still having long clusters. hope the medication increase starts working soon...or they start you on something else. enough's enough!!!

Unknown said...

The house is gorgeous.