I have been following the carebridge for little Margaret Romph for a long time, http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/margaretromph. I am going to reference her post on Wednesday, March 31, 2010 1:00 AM, CDT. I was reading her update, and of course I felt for little Margaret, but I felt for her parents too. I read sentences like "So I decided to get the pulse ox and check her stats and she was at 80" and "Eric and I bagged, suctioned her for about 45 minutes and could not get her oxygen up at all." After reading the entire journal entry my mind began to think back to my times when we have wondered if we should take Jude to the hospital or not. I then thought back to when I was sitting in the ER with Jude, and a lady came in frantic demanding to see a doctor immediately because her daughter had pink eye. I looked down at her child, and her eye was barely pink. Granted, this was an emergency to this particular mother, but well there are no words. I wondered how she would react if she had to bag and suction her child in the back of her car, hoping she wouldn't flatline. It's amazing the education you get on being a doctor when your child has medical needs. I cannot imagine the strength that Sherline (Margarets mother) has had to muster to deal with all these medical issues everyday. I guess it falls back on to how I respond, "You do it because it's your child, and there is not other choice because you love them". One of Em's first Smile Boxes mailed was to Margaret, and we still think about her!

Wow, how traumatic. It makes us thankful for the things we don't have to deal with. My heart goes out to this family and their little angel....
Hey Jenn! I too have been following Margaret for over a year. What a miracle that little girl is! Her mom is super woman! Gosh if Gage's sats drop under 90 I freak out because after that he turns blue and that is so scary! I have seen Jessica react calmly and get her baby back from "blue". They simply do it without thinking! Wow!
Hey Jenn! I too have been following Margaret for over a year. What a miracle that little girl is! Her mom is super woman! Gosh if Gage's sats drop under 90 I freak out because after that he turns blue and that is so scary! I have seen Jessica react calmly and get her baby back from "blue". They simply do it without thinking! Wow!
You know, it's different for everyone. I just remind myself that while I can't understand someone getting that upset over something like Pink Eye, I understand the emotions they are feeling. The emotions are the same--even if the problems are very, very different.
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