On top of this issue we have had with Jude, we had an issue with the nursing yesterday. I received a called from the place that pays the nurse and they told me Medicaid denied her help, and my health insurance would only provide "skilled" nursing. I FREAKED OUT! Here we are with Jude suddenly developing this terrible cough in the morning to the point they think he may need a nebulizer. Then on top of that we are starting a new medication, and they are taking away his nurse? Plus his seizures are out of control, so mom had a meltdown on the phone with the insurance department. Luckily, we found out that the issue was the paperwork was not properly filled out by the agency. The nice lady with the insurance company promised they would approve the nurse once the proper paperwork was sent in. So luckily Charlotte was there again today. So that was a huge load off my mind. I feel better with the nurse there if Jude is going to start these new meds.
Jude woke up very early this morning, and Mike got up with him for awhile. He coughed, and coughed until he got all the stuff out of his throat. Finally they came back, and I cuddled with Jude in the bed until I had to get ready for work. Last night Jude threw up all his Pediasure, so I am hoping he keeps his food down today.
I am looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow, and I am off to battle the DMV about 4pm, wish me luck.
I hope the meds will be just what Jude needs to get some peace from all this... poor little boy. Your insurance company is crazy Jude needs a nurse and the last thing you need is to deal with them..sorry to hear about that. I things improve and you enjoy the weekend and some much needed rest.
OH Jenn,
I am screaming all the way from SC! Poor baby Jude....it just seems like there are no right answers for our kids. Faith had another seizure Wed. night after 5 weeks without one. I don't know what that means for us, as far as the Keppra goes. SEIZURE SUCK, MORE!
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