Last night I was inspired by another blog, and put a baby Einstein video on for Jude. I decided to play the video on my lap top, and position it close to Jude, because we are still unsure of his vision. Jude seemed to immediately take to the video, and was interested in what was going on.
I watched him for a few moments, and then I asked Emily and Mike to keep an eye on him while I took a bath. When I came back from my bath, it seemed everyone was interested in the video.
Jude's favorite part was the two monkey's squealing to each other. It seems Jude really likes high pitch noises, and thinks they are very funny. It was wonderful to see Mike, Em, and Jude so involved in a joint activity. (See Emily's smile boxes in the background? She put together 12 more last night).
I am interested in getting Jude back into his Gymboree music classes. I think the bright colors, music, and social interaction would be good for him now that his seizures are controlled. For awhile the stimulation seemed to provoke his seizures, and we took him out. His therapy at home is going well, but I do think he needs a little bit more stimulation.
My cousin is in town so we are going to see her tonight. I think Jude will enjoy being around the kids, and I may even take him swimming for the first time.
If you get a chance please check out Emily's interview with her school district. Just go to this link:
and to the right click on Emily's Smile Boxes.
I love how the big kids like the video too lol. Do you have the baby channel on your tv?? I will have to find the name of it because it is great. Full of the Einstein style videos but it is 24 hours. I bet Jude would love it.
That's cool that Jude liked the video. I've tried watching one of those and I didn't get it but my daughter was just mesmerized by it. Loved the video of Emily. I cried my eyes out at the end. That is an awesome thing that she is doing. Good job Em! Jenn
Those pictures are priceless! Soo cute.
The video of Emily was fantastic, she did so great! It gave me goosebumps. She's such an amazing girl, she's such an inspiration! I can only hope my girls turn out half as good as Emily!
Visiting from All Mediocre! :) My daughter used to LOVE Baby Einstein when she was little, she lost some interest at around two, but still watched it occasionally.
Sometimes she'll hear a tune from the DVD and she'll remind me that she used to watch "That show" as a baby. She's five now. :)
Baby Einstein rocks! Isaac is now imitating the babies when they clap or wave. It's great for the whole 7 year old even likes it. You can get good deals on
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