Monday, September 1, 2014

Happy Sixth Birthday Jude! 9/2/14

When you were a baby I would sit closely next to your crib and look at your sweet little face. I would watch your chest raise and lower with each breath and with each breath I would relax a little.

The doctors told us your life expectancy was five. However an amazing doctor stepped in and told us that no one could put an expiration tag on you, but you. I watched you grow and I watched how you and your sister connected even though you had no voice to harass or annoy her with. She has learned so much from you and I truly believe you have learned a lot from her. When Emily speaks I watch your eyes search the room for the source of her voice. I watch your eyes light up when she mentions your name. I see Emily truly believe in her charity because she believes in her heart she did it solely for you. I watch your connection and it's amazingly special. I don't think it could ever be replaced.


You go through so much. So many medications, painful afflictions, and battles for you life. Yet through every single step you constantly do your best to put on a smile.

Lately I have watched you suffer more than you ever should. I watch your breathing become erratic, your heart rate sky rocket, and oxygen strapped to your nose on a regular basis. I get so angry that you are in this situation and that the doctors seem to think that since your "special" you should just adapt. However you constantly remind me that you are a fighter and that you will give this everything you have.

In my mind you are truly a super hero. You have done more in your short lifetime than most of us will ever accomplish. I am so proud to be your mother. I couldn't ask for a more amazingly perfect little person in my life. Thank you for teaching me what's important and for being the best son!

Happy Birthday Jude. I love you more than words.

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