Friday, August 12, 2011

Cowboys, Reunions, and Planes.

So last night I raced home to get the family to go to the Cowboys pre-season opener.  Charlotte had Jude all dressed up for the occasion. Charlotte truly is a gem!

The air was filled with excitment as everyone made their way to the big stadium. I thought it was gorgeous, but a bit overwhelming. The girls seemed to love it.

We had awesome seats in the club seating area and the field was very visable.

What I found a little unusual was that the monitor was so large over the field. It's nice, but I found myself watching it more than the field.

We left at half time to get home in time to relieve the nurse. All in all we had a great time and the girls had sore throats from yelling so much. Not to mention Faith trying to start the wave...the entire night. She was cracking me up.

Once we got home the nurse marked that Jude's temp was a little elevated. He was sound asleep and I had missed being with him that night. I kissed him before I went to bed and told him I loved him. I got a little smile from his sleep.

So this weekend is my 20 yr reunion I talked about. The festivities start tonight and I have already gotten several phone calls from people wondering why I am not going. I was so active in school that people are surprised I am not going to be there. First, it's very hard for us to get an RN that would stay past midnight. With an event like this you know it will be a late night. We have the nurse from 7am-5pm.  Second, I could go on my own and leave Mike with Jude, but I wouldn't feel right going to a function like that without him. Third, it's hard having people you don't see often tell you how sorry they are regarding Jude. It's sweet and thoughtful, but it's still hard.  Fourth, I see many wonderful people from my high school that I have been blessed to still be friends with. So instead of the reunion Emily and I are jetting off for a weekend together at 3pm today. I am going to market and Em is going to compete. One last hoorah before school starts. I felt more comfortable with this trip than the other. I am still nervous over planes rides, but I am getting better about it. I am conquering my fear which makes me feel more empowered. Now let's all pray! lol.

Have a good weekend everyone.

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