Thursday, July 14, 2016

Being positive

I have tried something new this week and some of you may think I am being ridiculous but I wanted to make an effort. I wanted to work on being more positive as my small change in the world. 

I have worked on keeping my head up and smiling at everyone I pass. I have noticed how smiling is contagious(thank you Elf) and how people really do brighten when you extend them kindness. 

I have taken the time to watch the funeral processions for the Dallas police officers and joined in placing my hand over my heart. I said prayers for the families of the fallen and asked God to touch them with grace and comfort. 

I have reached out to a few friends just to tell them hello and see how their day is going. 

I have laughed at everyone playing PokeMon go. Rather than seeing the negative in the game I saw the positive. I saw people exercising, having fun with their families, and spending quality time with people. I left the negativity up to others and said some prayers that those playing would be safe and respectful while gaming.

I loved seeing George Bush dancing at the memorial in Dallas because in Texas we like to cerebrate ones life.  I again left the negativity up to the internet. 

I took the time to watch a movie last night with my amazing daughter. We chose "Miracles From Heaven" and I bawled when I saw the NG tube, the feeding pumps, and the hospital stays. I took the time to look the family up and realize they are from a city very close to me. So I decided to follow the mother Christy Beam on facebook to read her uplifting faithful posts. When my husband asked why God chose to heal their child and not ours I pointed out our child did amazing things because he couldn't speak and because he lost his life. I concentrated on believing in faith and love. 

When someone driving abruptly turned in front of me without a signal today I took a breath and calmed myself. I realized that maybe their blinker was out and they didn't have time to fix it. 

When a woman called my office grumpy and irritated this week I tried to remind myself I don't know what's going on in her life. She may be lacking sleep from caring for a very ill child. 

Instead of judging and making assumptions about another's life I decided to just stop and step back. I decided to write yesterdays blog and I felt good after doing it. 

I just stopped and decided to do my best to be positive with whatever situation was presented to me. Before I respond to someone I asked myself if my words would have a meaningful impact and if they were worth saying. 

I think it's been a decent week. 


Alison said...

This post was such a light to me today. Thank-you for sharing. It is a good reminder to strive to have a generous and loving heart. It's a hard thing to do sometimes, especially when you are feeling hurt or low yourself, but it really does make a difference in the world.

Anonymous said...

This post really struck me today. This is something I try to do on a regular basis, and try to encourage others to do. The person who is driving crazy/being snappy/acting rude may need the small amount of kindness. I know there are days where I do. I've been slipping in offering kindness lately, mostly to those closest to me, who are the people who should be seeing it the most. Thank you for the reminder.

I've also noticed that offering kindness to others can smooth over and help calm yourself as well. When I think of it, on my bad days I try to actively be kind... buy lunch for the car behind me in the drive thru, complement a woman with a pretty dress, just say kind words. It won't erase the bad day, but it does seem to help take some of the shaper edges off.