The neurologist called back today, and we went over all of Jude's symptoms. He agrees that he feels this is medication related, and has changed the way we administer the medication. Rather than 2ml in the morning, 1 ml in the afternoon, and 1 ml at night, we will reverse the order giving him the larger dose at night. He said it's very possible that Jude has a small tear in his esophagus, but generally those issues will heal on their own. He instructed us to watch him carefully, and if the problem persists to take him in. We also approached the pupil reactivity, and discussed it in length. He said there are about a "billion" reasons why his eyes could be having this issue. He tends to think it is due to the increased seizure activity Jude has been experiencing. He said if it were another stroke Jude would be having additional symptoms. I am unsure what additional symptoms I would be looking for? I have noticed he is keeping his head more to the right, but he did this when he was about three months old, so I am not to concerned. I will continue to watch him, but I will trust the neurologist that there is nothing to be overly concerned about. Mike said he is going to put a call into the eye doctor, and I think that is a reasonable thing to do.
As long as Jude continues to eat well, and does not vomit anymore, we will relax a bit. Tomorrow Jude has therapy, and if he is up to it he will be present, and working with his therapists. Our nurse will return next Tuesday, and I know we will be looking forward to seeing her. I think we all felt a bit safer with her here, and Jude seemed very happy when I got home from work.
I think jude loves her and all the attention that comes with her being there, I wish she couls be there more but so thankful for the time you got, I want to come visit her and jude when she gets settled in again, praying for jude and his tummy issues.
Have not commented in a while but had to hurry and check in on my handsome boy Jude. Still praying all is well soon.
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