The immediate image that popped into my head when I read this article was this:
I remembered Mike and myself having to insert the NG tube down Jude's nose and into his stomach. It was horrible and heart wrenching and unable to describe in words. I could go on and on about how I feel about this diet and I could use my words to describe my internal issues with it. However it really comes down to three words.....
It disgusts me.
Ps. We could really use your help to get Jude a mobility van. Please cast your vote for Emily as a local hero. Thanks!
I too am disgusted by that disgusting diet. It's absolutely ridiculous!
I will definitely vote for Emily as a local hero and pass the message on. Good luck! Our fingers (and everything else) are crossed!
I too was disgusted by the diet. I, too, remember the heartache of having to put an ng tube into my son and constantly worry about it. It is so upsetting to have to feed your child that way. I pray that these VAIN, VAIN women never have to deal with a sick child who CAN'T eat. It is a shame that all people have to worry about is their looks.
I too was disgusted by the diet. I, too, remember the heartache of having to put an ng tube into my son and constantly worry about it. It is so upsetting to have to feed your child that way. I pray that these VAIN, VAIN women never have to deal with a sick child who CAN'T eat. It is a shame that all people have to worry about is their looks.
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