Friday, October 23, 2015

Jude and Emily

Jude has not had an easy week. As soon as I walk through the door from work he starts crying because he wants to be held. I am not sure if it's the weather or the fact he is still battling thick congestion. As long as I hold him and don't put him down he is fine. We have increased his PRN medications but they don't really seem to help. One night when I was holding him he decided to have an accident that went all over me and I actually got a little grin out of him because of that. 

So little has been accomplished at my house this week because of his condition. I cannot really move from my couch but I did sneak in two walks with the dogs. Now Mike's back is out so I really haven't done much but tend to Jude. Luckily Emily has been around to help with the dishes and grab items that I need while I am holding Jude. We are suppose to have a night nurse this weekend so that's wonderful. I really think he needs a nurse with him overnight to make sure he is as comfortable as possible. We are having a bit of an issue with his medical supplies with insurance. I am hoping that gets taken care of soon and it drives me crazy it's even an issue. One of the problems is he is suppose to see his primary healthcare provider which was his prior pediatrician. However since going on hospice we have only seen the hospice doctor. This is creating havoc within the insurance department and they keep denying items. Luckily we have Charlotte and she is really pushing to make sure everything is handled. 

Emily is back from Vermont and is toughing out her junior year. She is getting good grades but being a teen is not easy. Yesterday she got a picture from the Miss Dallas crew so she could print out some autograph cards and it made her day. She loved it and I am so proud of her for sticking with her goal. I have mentioned before that competing for the title of Miss Dallas teen was her third try. I honestly would have given up! Yet she kept pushing forward just like she has for Texas Teen. She will compete for that title the weekend of Thanksgiving. 

Although we are receiving much needed rain here in TX we are now facing some flash flooding. The outer rain bands of hurricane Patricia are affecting our area. Since the hurricane hasn't hit land yet I am wondering how much more rain we will see. I am also praying for all those in Mexico and other areas that are in the path.

So from us in soggy Dallas Texas we wish you a good weekend! 

1 comment:

bluee19 said...

I saw the picture of your daughter and she is so beautiful inside and out.

I so understand the life of SN world. Thank you for sharing your life with us. This life is sure not easy but we live for our children. Hope your weekend will be restful. Take care!