Me: huh?
Emily: Gees mom you cannot multi-task
Me: Em I am listening just give me a minute
Em: It's like it takes a second for your mind to wrap around what I am saying
Me: It's because I do so much multi tasking through the day
Em: uh huh
She probably just wanted my attention but I needed a minute. So later that night as I was heading towards Jude's room where I had set him up with his breathing treatment. I was pushing Jude's IV feed pump with my foot, while holding his toothbrush, and holding all his medications that I just drew up. I passed Mike in the hallway and playfully muttered "Em says I can't multi task". Mike chuckled and I heard Emily say...
Em: No mom I said you can't multi task while you are on the computer
Me: That's not failure to multi task Em that's me time
Em: oh
She got it!
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