Tomorrow is my 5th wedding anniversary. I have taken off work so I can spend the day with Mike. Well, part of the day. We also fit in a neurologist appointment for Jude in the morning. It wasn't in the original plan, but you do what you need to for your kids. I am very blessed to have such a great husband. He is my polar opposite, but we fit together great. He is funny, witty, loud, caring, passionate, sweet, a stinker, an amazing dad, great looking, and my match. I love him very much.
Lately I have noticed such serious and stern attitudes on facebook. I have also noticed people very set in their ways. I thought I would share something with you. When I got pregnant with Jude I was just like every other new expectant mom out there. I took my pre-natal vitamins, I planned how the birth would be, how the room would look, how I would parent, and everything else that goes into having a baby.
What I planned: I planned on a non stressful birth without an epidural. I planned to not be induced since statistically it causes more c sections.
What happened: My epidural was placed even before my labor was even started at 38 weeks. They placed the epidural because my platelets had plummeted and if an emergency should arise this would keep me from being sedated. I was induced at 38 weeks due to Jude's issues.
What I realized: as much as we all want the perfect birth it doesn't always happen and you have to do what's best for you and the child.
What I planned: To breastfeed
What happened: a struggling baby who we didn't know was aspirating on food. We tried as long as we could and finally this turned into placing a g button with a 24 hour crash course in how to use a feeding pump.
What I realized: when it gets right down to the nity gritty food is food no matter how it gets in there.
What I planned: A beautiful bedroom decorated in cute farm animals.
What happened: converting my dining room downstairs into a room for Jude so he would be closer to us in the event of an emergency
What I realized: That Jude loves his room. He smiles every time we take him in there so everything happens for a reason.......and it's just materials.
What I planned: To potty train by age three
What happened: The realization that he will always be in diapers.......this also eliminated cloth diapering.
What I realized: That diapering a 4 year old with adult small diapers is EXPENSIVE and thank goodness for insurance!
What I planned: To make my baby food using the food processor we purchased
What happened: See reference to crash course in using a feeding pump
What I planned: To stay away from antibiotics and other medications because the world pushes them to much.
What happened: a real quick lesson that a little tylenol and motrin sure isn't going to hurt a baby when you give them felbatol, depakene, and other heavy anti seizure medications.
What I realized: That my worrying with Emily over giving her medications as a baby was not warranted.
What I planned: To read to Jude to help him do better in school
What happened: Realizing that Jude may not read, but he loves to hear us talk to him
What I realized: Jude knows more than we think because he recognizes stories.
What I planned: To go to the circus, disney world, to see Santa, and do all the great things kids love
What happened: attempted trips brought forth the knowledge that a child with a sensory issue is overwhelmed by the noise that goes along with these places.
What I realized: That staying home with Jude is a really great thing.
What I planned: To let fevers take their course and not to rush off to a doctor because nature knows what it's doing
What happened: a fever can signify a very serious issue in Jude
What I realized: You always have to rush off
What I planned: Life
What happened: Life
What I realized: don't sweat the small stuff, fate chooses different paths than you do sometimes, don't judge others until you have walked in their shoes, be open minded, always be kind because life can change in a second, and embrace the change.