Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Another tough night

When I got home yesterday Jude was sleeping. The nurse said Jude slept until 10am and then went back to sleep at 4:30. He slept until 6:30 or 7:30. I cannot remember the exact time. When he woke up he again wanted to be held. So we snuggled in and watched Maleficient, which was fabulous. After the movie I took Jude to bed and set everything up for his feed and medications. Brilliant mom spilled his seizure medication by not closing the port. The red dots went all over his sheets and I had to stop and clean them up.

Jude didn't have a good night. He would cry out several times through the night. When I would go into see him he wasn't ever full awake he was just crying with his eyes closed. So I would reposition him and then go back to bed. Once I repositioned him but he still kept crying and I couldn't figure out what was going on. I finally found that his feed had disconnected from his line (probably from being turned over) and it had flowed under him. Poor kid was drenched and probably cold. So I changed his shirt and wiped his back. Jude smiled really big and drifted off to sleep with the lights on and without his sheet changed. So I grabbed some towels and cleaned up the formula then laid dry towels down for him to lay on until the morning.

This morning from about 6:30am on he began waking up crying again. I would go in there and talk to him then pat his arm. He would quiet down and go back to sleep. I am not sure if it's the weather or anything significant but it was a tough night.

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