Wednesday, September 5, 2012

A party and a story

Me: Mike look! We could move here and our house payment would be SO cheap. We could literally pay it off in no time! I wouldn't have to work so hard.
Mike: Um it's a mobile home
Me: It's a nice mobile home sitting on an acre of land. We could plant trees and save up to build our custom home.
Mike: That's it you have lost it
Me: I have not!
Mike: I meant that as much as you hate storms/tornado's you are going to live there?
Me: Well.............we will get a storm shelter!

Guess he didn't go for it? I love love my house, but the idea of not having a house payment.......well it makes you consider other options. Just imagine the possibilities.

Jude is well. He had a great birthday party and had so many loving people attend. He did have a seizure when a balloon popped and everyone got very quiet. A few people were also very concerned, but I explained it was a mild seizure and something we are used to. I forget that people are not used to be around him all the time. My friends/family came and all gathered around celebrating his life and I even felt my moms presence with us.

So I do have to share something adorable. Jude doesn't give full expression of communication to us very often. Well I generally read "Goodnight Gorilla" to him, but we have taken a break from that story lately and had moved on to "Brown Bear Brown Bear". Last night I pulled out "Goodnight Gorilla". I just said the title of the book and Jude squealed and smiled. He then made audible sounds throughout the entire reading. He really loves that book. Here is a picture after Jude's party


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