We had an ice storm here in the great state of Texas so I am at home with Jude today. His nurse couldn't make it because the roads were so bad. Jude is super happy I am home and I have been talking to him a lot today. I was able to snap a quick picture without his oxygen.
I quickly had to put the oxygen back on and then I caught T Rex Jude.
Earlier I wanted to give Jude a quick shower so I unhooked him from everything and quickly took him to his roll in shower. It wasn't long that Jude got very choked up and started turning blue. I yelled for Mike to bring me the suction and once I cleared him I ran him to his bed and gave him a breathing treatment. This seemed to help resolve the problems and as you can see above he recovered pretty well. He is running a slight fever and has had some oxygen problems all day but he is so happy! His cough has increase and he is a bit pale so I am wondering what is brewing in his lungs. However, I have decided to just enjoy our ice day and hug on him a lot. Ignore his tattered little pillow case. These sheets match his room but I cannot locate anymore and just cannot bear to part with them yet.